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Gotcha's and FAQ's

  • Course Size (Video Uploads) - Each individual course has a size limit of 2000 Mbs (megabytes - less than 2 gigabytes) of space, therefore you cannot upload large videos to your course.  Use either your Studio User Space (studio link on the main navigation) - or better yet, Kaltura where there is unlimited space and you can embed your videos into your course. 

  • End of Term for Courses (Access and Incompletes) - At the end of each term, your course will be moved from your Dashboard to Past Enrollments.  You can always get to your old courses by going to Courses on the main navigation, scroll down to All Courses and you will see all the courses you are enrolled in.  

    • Because the course will be past the term date, if you have an incomplete and a student needs to complete work, or you need to grade work, you will need to change the course date in settings to override the system.  Please contact for help.​

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